Award winning discos for weddings, parties, galas & functions
Production for award ceremonies, seminars & corporate events
For your information or for those with a genuine interest, here's a brief outline of some of the quality high end professional equipment we use.
Virtual DJ Pro
High speed digital mixing software with four virtual decks. A professional DJ program which allows total manipulation of our collection of over 20,000 tracks.
Denon DN-HC4500
Pro DJ Media/CD Controller with loops, effects and pitch control. This unit gives instant control to our digital software and CD drives, providing the ability to produce sharp flowing mixes.
Denon BU-4500
Professional twin CD drives, which when connected to the DN-HC4500 are totally controllable.
Pioneer DJM-600
Four channel DJ mixer with assignable effect generator. This is the mixer that defined the new era of DJ mixing and has been the class leader for years.
Chevin A2000
High power, light weight professional amplifier. A UK manufactured amplifier giving absolute quality and reliability.
2x 1000W passive two way plus sub speaker system. Clean powerful delivery from just two cabinets rather than four.
Abstract Club 64
Programmable 64 channel DMX lighting controller which can control up to sixteen individual lighting fixtures.
Abstract Club range projectors
DMX controlled lighting system. Each fixture is individually addressed for total control or can be run as part of a fully synchronised lightshow.