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Award winning discos for weddings, parties, galas & functions
Production for award ceremonies, seminars & corporate events
Professional DJs
- Mobile DJs
- Wedding DJs
- Party DJs
- Corporate DJs
- Pub/Club DJs
- Personality DJs
- 50/60/70s DJs
- 80/90/00s DJs
- 10/20s DJs
- Radio DJs
- Comperes
Or any combination of the above, of course.
We believe having the right DJ for your function is absolutely essential, so we listen to your requirements to make sure we provide exactly the right personality and style for your event.
All our DJs are extremely experienced and are totally able adapt to the environment and clientele.
If you are an enterprise, establishment or venue seeking a regular or resident DJ, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
All our DJs have their own style and vast library of music.
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